The Chatham County Sheriff's Department provides this booking and incarceration information without warranties, expressed or implied, concerning its accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability.
The Chatham County Sheriff's Department assumes no liability for your use or misuse of this information. By using this search, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted these terms of use.
You can view either the past 24 Hour Bookings or 72 Hour Bookings.
House Bill 845 takes affects July 1, 2014, and directly addresses the publication of booking photographs. Section one states:
(c) An arresting law enforcement agency shall not provide or make available a copy of a booking photograph in any format to a person requesting such photograph if:
(1) Such booking photograph may be placed in a publication or posted to a website or transferred to a person to be placed in a publication or posted to a website; and
(2) Removal or deletion of such booking photograph from such publication or website
requires the payment of a fee or other consideration.
House Bill 845 is designed to stop the numerous unscrupulous websites that publish booking photographs and charge to take them down. Any media requesting booking photos for news collections purposes can still attain access to photographs through the open records process.
DIN: P2501350 Name: ARNOLD, SOLOMON Birth Date: 12/22/2002 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010926 Agency: SAVANNAH PD Bond: $2,400.00 Charge(s): 16-8-14 - THEFT BY SHOPLIFTING - M |
DIN: P2206118 Name: BRANNEN, MONAI TALYA Birth Date: 01/25/2003 Race: B Sex: F Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010915 Agency: SAVANNAH PD Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 16-5-23.1 - BATTERY - M |
DIN: P2501345 Name: COOGLE, JESSICA RENEE Birth Date: 11/30/1986 Race: B Sex: F Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010916 Agency: PORT WENTWORTH PD Bond: $2,510.00 Charge(s): 16-10-25 - GIVING FALSE NAME, ADDRESS, OR BIRTHDATE TO LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER - M 40-5-121 - Driving With Suspended Or Revoked License - M 40-6-10 - NO PROOF OF INSURANCE - M |
DIN: P2501357 Name: DONALDSON, ROBERT CHRISTIAN Birth Date: 05/29/2001 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010939 Agency: SAVANNAH PD Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 16-8-7 - THEFT BY RECEIVING STOLEN PROPERTY (FEL) - F 16-13-30(j) - MARIJUANA-POSSESS LESS THAN 1 OZ. - M 40-8-20 - Driving Without Headlights - M |
DIN: P2501354 Name: DULEBOHN, PATRICK THOMAS Birth Date: 10/03/1981 Race: W Sex: M Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010935 Agency: SAVANNAH PD Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 16-12-100(b) - Sexual Exploitation Of Children - M |
DIN: P1812276 Name: EVANS, PATRICK ANTHONY Birth Date: 09/22/2001 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010927 Agency: CHATHAM COUNTY RECORDER COURT Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 42-8-38 - PROBATION VIOLATION - M |
DIN: S5017179 Name: EVANS, NATHANIEL NMN Birth Date: 10/18/1985 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010936 Agency: IN STATE HOLD Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 88-9-00 - State Custody Hold-No Local Charges - M |
DIN: P2307286 Name: EVARISTE, DARLIN Birth Date: 10/07/1984 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010946 Agency: SAVANNAH PD Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 16-5-23 - SIMPLE BATTERY - FAMILY VIOLENCE - M 16-7-21 - CRIMINAL TRESPASS - M |
DIN: P1903226 Name: FOLSOME, JAMARI JAMES Birth Date: 02/28/2000 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010941 Agency: SAVANNAH PD Bond: $1,300.00 Charge(s): 16-10-24 - OBSTRUCTION - M |
DIN: X0034000 Name: FURMAN, MATTHEW BRIAN Birth Date: 06/09/1972 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010918 Agency: CHATHAM COUNTY RECORDER COURT Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 42-8-38 - PROBATION VIOLATION - M |
DIN: P2501358 Name: GERGERICH, GARY PAUL Birth Date: 05/22/1981 Race: W Sex: M Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010944 Agency: PORT WENTWORTH PD Bond: $4,380.00 Charge(s): 16-13-30(a) - POSSESSION OF A SCHEDULE IV CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE - F 40-6-391(a)(2) - DUI - DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF DRUGS - M |
DIN: P2501352 Name: HOLBROOK, NICHOLES JAMES Birth Date: 07/20/2007 Race: W Sex: M Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010930 Agency: CHATHAM COUNTY PD Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 16-7-1(b) - BURGLARY - 1ST DEGREE - F |
DIN: P2501351 Name: jacobs, nicholas Birth Date: 08/02/2007 Race: W Sex: M Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010928 Agency: CHATHAM COUNTY PD Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 16-7-1(b) - BURGLARY - 1ST DEGREE - F |
DIN: X0063324 Name: JASPER, ELIJAH Birth Date: 12/01/1968 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010922 Agency: CHATHAM CO. SUPERIOR CT Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 42-8-38 - PROBATION VIOLATION (FEL) - F |
DIN: X0057213 Name: KING, AARON SIMON Birth Date: 12/11/1972 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010920 Agency: CHATHAM COUNTY PD Bond: $2,400.00 Charge(s): 16-7-21 - CRIMINAL TRESPASS - M |
DIN: P2501349 Name: LUCAS, PHIL PRESTON Birth Date: 03/05/1994 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010923 Agency: IN STATE HOLD Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 88-9-00 - STATE CUSTODY HOLD - M |
DIN: P2311360 Name: MADDEN, TALEYA NISHAY Birth Date: 11/27/2000 Race: B Sex: F Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010909 Agency: CHATHAM CO STATE CT Bond: $1,300.00 Charge(s): 16-1-4 - CONTEMPT OF COURT - M 16-9-1(e) - FORGERY - 4TH DEGREE - M |
DIN: P2501353 Name: MITCHELL, JUJAUN Birth Date: 11/11/1973 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010933 Agency: PORT WENTWORTH PD Bond: $3,370.00 Charge(s): 40-6-48 - Failure To Maintain Lane - M 40-6-241(c) - HANDS FREE - HOLD DEVICE/USE TO TEXT, RECORD, WATCH VIDEO - M 40-5-121 - Driving With Suspended Or Revoked License - M 40-8-76.1(b) - Failure To Wear Seat Safety Belt - M 16-5-20 - SIMPLE ASSAULT - M 16-7-21 - CRIMINAL TRESPASS - M |
DIN: P1411256 Name: NEWELL, CHRISTIAN THOMAS Birth Date: 07/12/1997 Race: W Sex: M Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010925 Agency: CHATHAM CO. SUPERIOR CT Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 00-0-00 - FAILURE TO APPEAR - F 42-8-38 - PROBATION VIOLATION - F |
DIN: P2501342 Name: PERCELL, CORBIN FISCHER Birth Date: 08/02/2005 Race: W Sex: M Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010908 Agency: GARDEN CITY PD Bond: $4,050.00 Charge(s): 16-5-23.1(2) - BATTERY-FAMILY VIOLENCE (1ST OFFENSE) - M |
DIN: P2501355 Name: PEREZ-LOPEZ, YEISON ULISES Birth Date: 09/27/2005 Race: H Sex: M Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010937 Agency: POOLER PD Bond: $980.00 Charge(s): 40-5-20 - DRIVING WITHOUT A VALID LICENSE - M 40-6-184 - Impeding Traffic Flow - M |
DIN: P2501346 Name: QUARTERMAN, MIKHAIL CARRISSE Birth Date: 06/05/1991 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010919 Agency: GARDEN CITY PD Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 40-8-76.1(b) - Failure To Wear Seat Safety Belt - M 88-9-00 - STATE CUSTODY HOLD - M |
DIN: P2004073 Name: RAMBERT, DERRICK LARON Birth Date: 07/18/1998 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010913 Agency: CHATHAM CO. SUPERIOR CT Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 76-5-55 - HOLD FOR SUPERIOR COURT - F |
DIN: P2501343 Name: RESENDIZ MARTINEZ, GUSTAVO Birth Date: 10/18/1995 Race: H Sex: M Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010912 Agency: POOLER PD Bond: $1,090.00 Charge(s): 40-5-20 - DRIVING WITHOUT A VALID LICENSE - M 40-6-181 - Speeding - M |
DIN: P2409108 Name: RICHARDS, TREY DOMINICK Birth Date: 10/21/1999 Race: W Sex: M Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010940 Agency: SAVANNAH PD Bond: $1,300.00 Charge(s): 16-11-39.1 - HARASSING PHONE CALLS - M |
DIN: P1112337 Name: SAMSON, CHARLES WILLIS Birth Date: 01/20/1950 Race: W Sex: M Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010931 Agency: GARDEN CITY PD Bond: $1,850.00 Charge(s): 16-7-21 - CRIMINAL TRESPASS - M |
DIN: P2409353 Name: SANTIAGO, KARLA Birth Date: 08/10/1995 Race: H Sex: F Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010934 Agency: IMMIGRATION & NATURALIZATION (ICE) Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 76-5-58 - Overnight Inmate - M |
DIN: P1007357 Name: SCOTT, HOLLY MARIE Birth Date: 12/20/1988 Race: W Sex: F Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010914 Agency: CHATHAM CO. SUPERIOR CT Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 76-5-57 - HOLD FOR PENDING COURT ACTION OR D.O.C. - F |
DIN: P1010367 Name: SIMMONS, TERRELL MARQUIS Birth Date: 09/18/1993 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010932 Agency: SAVANNAH PD Bond: $2,400.00 Charge(s): 16-13-30(j) - MARIJUANA-POSSESS LESS THAN 1 OZ. - M 42-8-38 - PROBATION VIOLATION - M |
DIN: P2501356 Name: ST HILAIRE, DUSTI JO Birth Date: 05/31/1996 Race: W Sex: F Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010938 Agency: OUT OF COUNTY Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 88-9-00 - STATE CUSTODY HOLD - M |
DIN: P1601304 Name: STEWART, ELIJAH Birth Date: 06/23/1998 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010924 Agency: GARDEN CITY PD Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 16-5-23.1(2) - BATTERY-FAMILY VIOLENCE (1ST OFFENSE) - M |
DIN: P2305086 Name: SWANN, DARRIS DEVONTA Birth Date: 02/16/1996 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 01/30/2025 Arrest #: 2025010945 Agency: CHATHAM COUNTY SO Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 42-8-38 - PROBATION VIOLATION - M |
DIN: P1910114 Name: VALENZUELA, PERSISTANCE CIELO Birth Date: 11/23/1999 Race: B Sex: F Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010943 Agency: IN STATE HOLD Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 88-9-00 - STATE CUSTODY HOLD - M |
DIN: P1008462 Name: WARREN, DEMAR RANDIN Birth Date: 05/01/1991 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010942 Agency: SAVANNAH PD Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 16-13-30(b) - POSSESSION OF A SCHEDULE I OR II CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE WITH INTENT TO DISTRIBUTE - F 42-5-15 - CROSSING STATE/COUNTY GUARD LINES WITH WEAPONS, INTOXICANTS, DRUGS WITHOUT CONSENT - F 40-6-253 - Open Container - M |
DIN: P0802311 Name: WILLIS, ASHAD DYPRECE Birth Date: 11/08/1990 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010917 Agency: PORT WENTWORTH PD Bond: $3,005.00 Charge(s): 16-13-30(a) - POSSESSION OF A SCHEDULE I CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE - F 16-13-30(j) - MARIJUANA-POSSESS LESS THAN 1 OZ. - M 40-6-241(c) - HANDS FREE - HOLD DEVICE/USE TO TEXT, RECORD, WATCH VIDEO - M |
DIN: X1405030 Name: WOMACK , VONTINIECE DESHAWN Birth Date: 02/12/1989 Race: B Sex: F Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010921 Agency: PORT WENTWORTH PD Bond: $1,035.00 Charge(s): 40-5-121 - Driving With Suspended Or Revoked License - M 40-6-181 - Speeding - M |
DIN: S5022473 Name: YOUMANS, ERNEST JR Birth Date: 04/09/1979 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010929 Agency: CHATHAM COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT RECOVERY Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 19-7-2 - PARENTS OBLIGATIONS TO CHILD - C 19-7-2 - PARENTS OBLIGATIONS TO CHILD - C 19-7-2 - PARENTS OBLIGATIONS TO CHILD - C |
DIN: P1103238 Name: YOUNG, KAVANTEE JANAE Birth Date: 01/01/1992 Race: B Sex: F Arrest Date: 01/29/2025 Arrest #: 2025010910 Agency: SAVANNAH PD Bond: $6,250.00 Charge(s): 40-6-391(a)(1) - DUI - DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL - M 40-6-48 - Failure To Maintain Lane - M 40-6-180 - Too Fast For Conditions - M 40-6-10 - NO PROOF OF INSURANCE - M 40-6-15 - KNOWINGLY DRIVING MOTOR VEHICLE ON SUSPENDED, CANCELED, OR REVOKED REGISTRATION - M |