The Chatham County Sheriff's Department provides this booking and incarceration information without warranties, expressed or implied, concerning its accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability.
The Chatham County Sheriff's Department assumes no liability for your use or misuse of this information. By using this search, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted these terms of use.
You can view either the past 24 Hour Bookings or 72 Hour Bookings.
House Bill 845 takes affects July 1, 2014, and directly addresses the publication of booking photographs. Section one states:
(c) An arresting law enforcement agency shall not provide or make available a copy of a booking photograph in any format to a person requesting such photograph if:
(1) Such booking photograph may be placed in a publication or posted to a website or transferred to a person to be placed in a publication or posted to a website; and
(2) Removal or deletion of such booking photograph from such publication or website
requires the payment of a fee or other consideration.
House Bill 845 is designed to stop the numerous unscrupulous websites that publish booking photographs and charge to take them down. Any media requesting booking photos for news collections purposes can still attain access to photographs through the open records process.
DIN: P2503490 Name: APOLINAR-CALLEJAS, NESTOR Birth Date: 02/22/1990 Race: H Sex: M Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031140 Agency: CHATHAM COUNTY PD Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 16-5-21 - AGGRAVATED ASSAULT FV - F 16-10-24.3 - OBSTRUCTION/HINDER EMERG PHONE CALL - M 16-5-70 - CRUELTY TO CHILDREN - M |
DIN: P1811302 Name: BURKE, OLIVIA JANELL Birth Date: 07/28/1999 Race: B Sex: F Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031158 Agency: CHATHAM COUNTY SO Bond: $1,300.00 Charge(s): 16-1-4 - CONTEMPT OF COURT - M 40-6-391 - DRIVING UNDER INFLUENCE (DUI) - M 40-6-391(a)(5) - DUI - DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL - CONCENTRATION IS 0.08G OR MORE WITHIN 3 HRS OR MORE - M 40-5-20 - DRIVING WITHOUT A VALID LICENSE - M 40-6-48 - IMPROPER LANE USAGE - M 40-6-241(c) - HANDS FREE - HOLD DEVICE/USE TO TEXT, RECORD, WATCH VIDEO - M 16-6-8(b) - PUBLIC INDECENCY-1ST OR 2ND CONVICTION - M |
DIN: P2310382 Name: BURROUGHS, JADA GARIONA Birth Date: 03/28/2006 Race: B Sex: F Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031161 Agency: CHATHAM COUNTY PD Bond: $3,500.00 Charge(s): 16-7-21 - CRIMINAL TRESPASS - M 16-10-24 - OBSTRUCTION - M |
DIN: P2503493 Name: CASSETTA, ELICIA NOREEN Birth Date: 09/20/1985 Race: W Sex: F Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031151 Agency: CHATHAM COUNTY PD Bond: $2,400.00 Charge(s): 16-7-21 - CRIMINAL TRESPASS - M |
DIN: P1602048 Name: CASTRO HERNANDEZ, ALAN ALEXIS Birth Date: 10/17/1998 Race: H Sex: M Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031137 Agency: CHATHAM COUNTY PD Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 16-5-21 - AGGRAVATED ASSAULT - F 16-5-60(b) - RECKLESS CONDUCT - M |
DIN: P0610528 Name: CHING, KEVIN LENARD Birth Date: 08/20/1989 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031152 Agency: SAVANNAH PD Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 16-1-4 - CONTEMPT OF COURT - M |
DIN: P2503491 Name: DAVIS II, REGINALD BERNARD Birth Date: 12/22/1997 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031144 Agency: DPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY MOTOR VEH COMPLIANC Bond: $2,125.00 Charge(s): 40-5-121 - Driving With Suspended Or Revoked License - M 40-1-8 - Failure To Obey Motor Carriier Rules - M 40-5-146 - Operating Commercial Vehicle Without Valid License - M 40-5-146 - UNLICENSED OPERATION OF COMMERCIAL VEH - M |
DIN: P1109178 Name: EVERETT, TRUMAINE PIERRE Birth Date: 05/08/1986 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031143 Agency: CHATHAM COUNTY SO Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 42-1-12(n) - FAILURE TO REGISTER AS SEX OFFENDER/FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS/PROVIDED FALSE INFORMATION - F |
DIN: P2503489 Name: FENNELL, TERRY Birth Date: 10/06/1966 Race: W Sex: M Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031138 Agency: GA PORTS AUTHORITY Bond: $1,300.00 Charge(s): 16-11-39 - DISORDERLY CONDUCT - M |
DIN: P2402149 Name: FINDLEY, LOGAN ALEXANDER Birth Date: 07/28/2005 Race: W Sex: M Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031145 Agency: CHATHAM COUNTY PD Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 16-5-23.1(2) - BATTERY-FAMILY VIOLENCE (1ST OFFENSE) - M |
DIN: P2306108 Name: GIBSON, CHRISTOPHER BLAKE Birth Date: 01/04/1983 Race: W Sex: M Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031135 Agency: SAVANNAH PD Bond: $1,300.00 Charge(s): 40-6-253 - Open Container - M |
DIN: P2503494 Name: GILLIS, TONY LEE Birth Date: 08/12/1967 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031153 Agency: SAVANNAH PD Bond: $1,300.00 Charge(s): 16-10-25 - GIVING FALSE NAME, ADDRESS, OR BIRTHDATE TO LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER - M 88-9-00 - STATE CUSTODY HOLD - M |
DIN: P1311192 Name: GREEN, SHAQUILLE MALIK Birth Date: 02/03/1994 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031142 Agency: US MARSHAL SAVANNAH Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 75-1-99 - FEDERAL CUSTODY HOLD-NO LOCAL CHARGES - F |
DIN: P1207186 Name: HARDY, DEBORAH ANN Birth Date: 04/25/1976 Race: W Sex: F Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031162 Agency: SAVANNAH PD Bond: $6,800.00 Charge(s): 40-6-391(a)(1) - DUI - DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL - M 40-6-391(a)(5) - DUI - DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL - CONCENTRATION IS 0.08G OR MORE WITHIN 3 HRS OR MORE - M 40-6-390 - Reckless Driving - M 40-6-48 - Failure To Maintain Lane - M |
DIN: P1304029 Name: HURST, HAKEEM SHAKI Birth Date: 10/29/1994 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031149 Agency: IN STATE HOLD Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 88-9-00 - STATE CUSTODY HOLD - M |
DIN: P1207362 Name: JENKINS, WARNELL LEO Birth Date: 03/06/1960 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031136 Agency: GA PORTS AUTHORITY Bond: $1,300.00 Charge(s): 16-11-39 - DISORDERLY CONDUCT - M |
DIN: X0044272 Name: JONES, PRINCE CRAWFORD JR Birth Date: 05/03/1974 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031132 Agency: SAVANNAH PD Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 16-5-23.1 - BATTERY DVA - M |
DIN: P2503492 Name: LESLIE, NATIEMA TWINIKLE Birth Date: 10/22/1979 Race: B Sex: F Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031150 Agency: CHATHAM COUNTY PD Bond: $2,400.00 Charge(s): 16-8-14 - THEFT BY SHOPLIFTING - M |
DIN: P0612193 Name: LITTLE, SHAMEEK TAVO Birth Date: 02/07/1989 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031146 Agency: CHATHAM CO. SUPERIOR CT Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 76-5-55 - HOLD FOR SUPERIOR COURT - F |
DIN: P1606263 Name: MACK, DARIUS MATTHEW Birth Date: 04/02/1990 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031147 Agency: CHATHAM CO. SUPERIOR CT Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 76-5-55 - HOLD FOR SUPERIOR COURT - F |
DIN: X0048399 Name: MARTIN, ALVA LEE Birth Date: 06/23/1953 Race: W Sex: M Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031155 Agency: GARDEN CITY PD Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 16-5-21(c) - AGGRAVATED ASSAULT AGAINST LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER - F |
DIN: P2503496 Name: MOORE, CLIFTON THOMAS Birth Date: 02/27/1979 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031160 Agency: POOLER PD Bond: $2,950.00 Charge(s): 16-5-41 - FALSE IMPRISONMENT - F |
DIN: P2503082 Name: PARKER, ELIJAH ISSAC Birth Date: 04/24/2001 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031148 Agency: GARDEN CITY PD Bond: $1,850.00 Charge(s): 40-5-121 - Driving With Suspended Or Revoked License - M 40-8-76.1(b) - Failure To Wear Seat Safety Belt - M |
DIN: P1108318 Name: PERRY, JAMARIO DEMOND Birth Date: 04/08/1994 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031157 Agency: SAVANNAH PD Bond: $1,300.00 Charge(s): 16-10-24(a) - WILLFUL OBSTRUCTION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS - M |
DIN: P2308349 Name: PRAY, TREVON Birth Date: 04/01/1999 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031141 Agency: CITY OF TYBEE ISLAND Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 42-8-38 - PROBATION VIOLATION - M |
DIN: P1612065 Name: SALAS, JOEY ROBERT Birth Date: 01/17/1994 Race: W Sex: M Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031156 Agency: SAVANNAH PD Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 16-7-23 - CRIMINAL DAMAGE TO PROPERTY - 2ND DEGREE - F |
DIN: P2503486 Name: SCOTT, RAYSHAWN TYQUAN MOSES Birth Date: 07/09/1994 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031131 Agency: SAVANNAH PD Bond: $7,350.00 Charge(s): 40-6-391(a)(1) - DUI - DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL - M 40-6-391(a)(5) - DUI - DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL - CONCENTRATION IS 0.08G OR MORE WITHIN 3 HRS OR MORE - M 40-6-180 - Too Fast For Conditions - M 40-6-48 - Failure To Maintain Lane - M 40-2-8 - Operating Vehicle Without Tag Or Decal - M 16-13-30(j) - MARIJUANA-POSSESS LESS THAN 1 OZ. - M |
DIN: P2404402 Name: SCOTT, JAHIEM LANIER Birth Date: 06/04/2006 Race: B Sex: M Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031159 Agency: CHATHAM COUNTY PD Bond: $2,400.00 Charge(s): 16-7-21 - CRIMINAL TRESPASS - M |
DIN: P2503487 Name: STONEY, JANAY LATTICE Birth Date: 01/13/2004 Race: B Sex: F Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031133 Agency: SAVANNAH STATE CAMPUS SECURITY Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 16-7-1(b) - BURGLARY - 1ST DEGREE - F |
DIN: X0101054 Name: WILEY, FRANCIS EUGENE Birth Date: 11/22/1971 Race: W Sex: M Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031154 Agency: PORT WENTWORTH PD Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 42-8-38 - PROBATION VIOLATION (FEL) - F |
DIN: P2503488 Name: YOUNG, PROSPERITY Birth Date: 04/30/2005 Race: B Sex: F Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031134 Agency: SAVANNAH STATE CAMPUS SECURITY Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 16-7-1(b) - BURGLARY - 1ST DEGREE - F |
DIN: P1212379 Name: ZIEL, THOMAS JOHN Birth Date: 09/05/1980 Race: W Sex: M Arrest Date: 03/27/2025 Arrest #: 2025031139 Agency: CHATHAM CO REC CT Bond: $0.00 Charge(s): 16-11-37 - TERRORISTIC THREATS AND ACTS - F |