General Information

Street Operations Civil: (912) 652-7630
(912) 652-7631
Street Operations Criminal: (912) 652-7624
(912) 652-7620
Street Operations, both Civil and Criminal numbers, are for weekdays only.
Administrative (912) 652-7634
Professional Standards (912) 652-7694
Professional Development (912) 652-6669
Corrections (912) 652-7700
Jail Records (912) 652-7734
Programs (912) 652-7749
Cashier (912) 652-7769
Visitation (912) 644-5120
Media Inquiries (912) 652-7606
Sex Offender Registration and Tracking Unit (912) 652-7668
Receiving and Discharge/Booking (912) 651-3700
Front Lobby (912) 652-7785
Shift Commander (912) 652-7710

Media Requests
